Thursday, May 26, 2011

Letting Go

Letting go. Let's get personal.

boy oh boy. letting go. i mean, just think about the heavy energies that are related to this concept of "letting go." easy to read about it, yes, but when push comes to shove, oof! so, it is a commendable thing for us, when we ARE able to do this.
what it comes down to is this: we let go of ALL attachments, period. then, when you are in that in-between realize.. that all that you hoped for and dreamed about..was there all along.
and, you ARE the being that you dreamed about and hoped for. isn't that wonderful???? the greatest gift, ever!!!! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Irish Soda Bread

In honor of Ireland and the cooking tradition of irish soda bread.

oven: 375*f  1 hour baking time.

4 c. flour
1/2 c. sugar
2 t. baking powder
1 t. baking soda
1 t. salt
1/2 c. butter or shortening

Mix the first 6 ingredients together in a large bowl.

Next, add:
1 c. raisins, plumped (soak in hot water for a couple minutes then drain off water)
1 1/2 c. buttermilk
2 eggs, beaten
3-4 rounds of honey (rounds as in round-the-bowl as you pour in the honey)
Stir in these ingredients until well blended.

Transfer to a spring-form or a round cake pan. Shape the wet dough, if possible, into a lump.
Remove when golden.

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Simple Little Poem

here is a simple little poem i just wrote for the fun of it.

 The world is a big sea of blue
 As far as the eye can see,
 For this blue is a sea...
 As you can plainly see!

 The mountains are tall and majestic,
 Too lovely to be just..a radar tic.
 Verdant forests and refreshing streams,
 Life here is nothing like a dream.

 The prairie is an ocean of grass,
 Golden, tawny with just enough sass.
 Trees that sup at hidden springs
 To my mind, is just the right thing.

 The desert is a panorama of sights,
 Cacti, lizards and other delights,
 Red rock canyon and cryptic signs,
 Is nothing less than God's design..

 There are heavens above,
 And heavens below.
  But, no need to choose...
 For All is Love.

  --- sdk, 12. march 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

A Terrible Beauty

M.E. (Mother Earth) is giving birth by releasing pent-up gunk through natural releasing methods
( earthquakes, tornadoes, etc).
We need to remember not to fear these methods when they hit close to home..
Remember the bigger picture that what we are currently experiencing is..a terrible beauty
When loved ones are affected by these things, what we can do is send love, light and compassion.
In brass tack terms, this is really all we can do. And in that, we do have control.
So send this Light outward until  it reaches into all dimensions of people's lives---
our daily activities, thoughts and our prayers.

Shrinking Violets Beware

You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people
won’t feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone!

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fears,
our presence automatically liberates others.” —Marriane Williamson

Monday, February 28, 2011

Three Good Questions

How do I forgive myself?
I believe I am having a problem with that, even though yesterday,
I wrote a nice little passage about it. ( my Angels must have written it
instead of me! ha)
The bottom line is to let go. That's all I can do. Live and let God.
Sometimes I also wish for what was, or what could have been, or what SHOULD have
been..and I beat myself up over it. I then get sort of depressed.. because I'm comparing my life that was what it is now.
--I have to remind myself to stop making comparisons, for therein, lies madness.

How do I trust myself?
Whenever something bugs me, i have the tendency to analyze it, mull it over and then
over-analyze it to death!  Then, I let it 'sit'" on the back burner for a bit..and approach it again. If I'm still stuck, I go down deep within ..and more often that not, there will
be that quiet little stillness. And it will tell me what I most need to know.
The stillness is always with us..but will we listen? (Aye, there's the rub).

How do I stand up for myself?
Sometimes, this is hard to do..especially when the people around you (family, friends
or whatnot), still see you as you were...and may judge you on your past decisions.
I stand up for myself by never turning my back on faith and hope. I may have moments
of wavering, but like the stillness, faith is always with me.
It's sort of like wading through a turbulent stream-- you have to watch out for the
sharp stones, while at the same time, you need to keep your balance, lest the rushing
current overtake you.
And through it all, I must needs remember."There but for the Grace of God, go I."

Sunday, February 27, 2011


What does it mean to forgive? For give. You give redemption to others, no matter what they did to you and
by that very act, you also redeem yourself and your role in the situation at hand. It takes two to tango. And,
no man is an island. And no one ever 'does' anything to you, unless you have given them permission to do so,
whether you are aware of your role or not. So what does this mean?  It means that we each must walk with
awareness of ourselves and our actions. It means when you make a mistake, you own up to it, even if you
 own up to no one else, but yourself.
   In other words, when you find yourself pointing the finger at others, just be sure your own finger is clean.